Hengyi engaged Community in Open Dialogue

Serasa, Muara Thurs 26 November 2015.  Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd & BEDB organized a Stakeholder Engagement Dialogue involving several government agencies and local communities around Mukim Serasa yesterday.  The event was held at Hengyi’s Muara site office and was attended by officers from EDPMO, the Brunei Muara District Office, Town & Country Planning, ABCi, DEPR, the Marine dept, Ports dept, Fisheries dept, Royal Brunei Police Force, Fire Brigade, Dept of Labour, Immigration, Royal Navy, Penghulus, Village Heads and Mukim Serasa Consultative members. The main aim of the dialogue session was to update relevant authorities and the surrounding communities on Hengyi’s Refinery project at Pulau Muara Besar, its implications, whilst providing a platform for local communities to voice their concerns.

“It is important that the stakeholders and communities are well informed about the project and the impact it has to the communities around the area.  We need to manage expectations and provide a platform for everyone to voice their concerns.  We hope to complete dredging activities around Pulau Muara Besar in December 2015 and once commercial agreements have been reached and design approvals obtained, we can start thinking about the construction phase” said Sheikh Rashid Salam, Vice President for Corporate Services at Hengyi Industries.

A presentation (http://hengyi-industries.com/ebook/projectstatus022016/) was made by personnel from Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd Industries followed by a Q&A session consisting of panelist from Hengyi & BEDB.

As part of its community outreach, Hengyi has been conducting a series of Stakeholder Engagement sessions and will continue to do so over the course of the next few years to update relevant agencies and communities on the progress of the Refinery project.

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