Fire & Rescue Department Conduct Training at PMB

Wednesday 21st March 2018, PULAU MUARA BESAR. The Fire & Rescue Department have conducted basic firefighting and fire marshall trainings at the project site of Hengyi Industries in Pulau Muara Besar (PMB) from 19 March to 21 March 2018.

The main purpose of the training is for the PMB occupants to become aware of safety issues relating to office and accommodation environments.

The three-day training covered basic firefighting skills which expanded on the duties and responsibilities of the dedicated Fire Marshalls. They were also taught how to operate fire extinguishers and fire blankets.

The training participants were briefed on the hazards in the office and the accommodation’s environment and were shown ways to control such hazards. They were also demonstrated on how to evacuate safely when in a smoke filled environment and how to respond and assist to any casualties or injured persons.

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