Hengyi Industries Hold Friendly Basketball Match

Armada Community Basketball Court 27th October 2018. Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd (Hengyi Industries) hosted a Friendly Basketball Match on Saturday, 27th October 2018 between staffs from Jerudong Park Medical Centre (JPMC) and staffs from Hengyi Industries at Armada Community Basketball Court, Armada Tungku Estate.

This is the first friendly basketball match held by Hengyi Industries which is aimed to strengthen the relationship between the two corporations and to build an understanding culture between JPMC and Hengyi Industries. JPMC provides health and medical aid services for Hengyi Industries at Pulau Muara Besar (PMB). The importance of creating a strong working relationship between the two corporations was highlighted.

An exchange of token of appreciation between Mr. Chen Lian Cai, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Hengyi Industries and Mr. Varghese Paulose, Chief Operating Officer JPMC took place before the friendly match kick-off.

Both teams displayed excellent sportsmanship.

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